2.5. Ship database intro

Thanks to Mardak's uber-godly programming skills, we now have exclusive access to probably the best tool for organizing and collecting enemy ship data in TDZK to date. He's created a system by which we can quickly copy paste port data or sector data and add any ships to the database, which can quickly sorted and searched through.

The possibilities here are pretty staggering. We can sort by a number of useful ways, such as by system, alliance, shiptype, alliance+system, specific ports. Say an alliance was raiding; run a quick search in the database and we could quickly get an idea of what sort of cover they have. Say you wanted to know what sort of ship a certain player is flying; enter their name in and you'll get their stats (assuming he's been seen before and entered in the database). Maybe you want to know what hunters are trader in the system you're in; search by system and get a list of what's been seen. The point I'm trying to make is that it has the potential to be an extremely useful tool. :P

However, for us to use it effectively will take a bit of work on our part. The more people we have who consistantly update the database when they go to a new port or sector, the more accurate and up to date the data will be. Therefore, I want you to get this into your heads and make it a habit: EVERY NEW PORT YOUR DOCK IN, TAKE A FEW SECONDS TO COPY THE SCREEN AND ENTER IT INTO THE DATABASE. It's very simple to do, as I'll describe below.

How to enter data and seach for it.
This should take no more than 30 seconds, probably a lot quicker.

1. control+a to select all the text on the screen (the port screen, where you can see the list of other ships docked, or any screen with another ship showing)
2. control+c to copy it.
3. Click on the 'alliance' link to get to the roster page.
4. Click on the link on the message from the leader (http://tdzk.agadak.net/log/search.php [http://tdzk.agadak.net/log/search.php]) and open it up in a new window. You will get a shiplist and there will be a small entry field and a "Update" button at the very top right of the screen.
5. control+v to paste all the data in the entry field.
6. Click update.

Accessing the page from that link will make it so you don't have to login. If for some reason you get a login screen though, simply enter 'furyPass' (case sensitive) into the text field directly below the login button, then click login and continue.

Searching is fairly intuitive. Mardak describes some of the functions a few posts down.

And before anyone questions it, yes, this is completely legal. The data is still being collected and entered manually - this is simply a more useful way of organizing it. This is a great tool - use it properly, and we will be a better alliance because of it.